Office 101 Calton Centre
Kingsway Road,
Maseru, Lesotho

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Weekend: 9AM - 1PM

Stakeholder Engagement

CSR Network Lesotho will carry out stakeholder engagement services that can help organizations to:

  • Create better relationships and mutual understanding with those that impact your business the most, enabling your organization to learn from them and unleash new ways of creating long-term value.
  • Manage risks and safeguard your reputation by working with stakeholders to incorporate their perspectives into the decision making process, thereby increasing credibility for your organsiation.
  • Drive long-term sustainability and shareholder value by aligning your business practices with the needs and expectations of your stakeholders.
  • Manage the impact of your organisation on local communities and other stakeholders to avoid the risk of conflict.

Consultancy Services

The CSR Network Lesotho is proud to work with corporates to develop CSR policies and strategies that will be aligned with their core business, to:

  • Drive maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving business and sustainability objectives.
  • Provide competitive advantage through improved customer insight, product/service innovation, and brand differentiation.
  • Engage and mobilize employees, customers, and other key stakeholders.
  • Effectively communicate an organisation’s CSR agenda both internally and externally.

Research Services

The CSR Network Lesotho is proud to carry out studies (Impact Studies and Perception Surveys) that will help organisations to:

  • Demonstrate commitment to CSR and sustainability to investors & regulators and emphasize the link between financial and non-financial performance to stakeholders.
  • Enhance brand image and reputation by building credibility through increased accountability.
  • Foster better relations with stakeholders through increased transparency.
  • Streamline and align all sustainability activities across different markets and businesses.
  • Avoid, mitigate or reverse the impacts of negative environmental, social and governance failures.

Project Management

CSR Network Lesotho will work with organisations to create and implement CSR projects that are aligned to core business and will:

  • Drive maximum project impact by conducting thorough pre and post project planning and analysis.
  • Execute goals beyond the physical parameters of the organisation, leading to greater impact internally and externally.
  • Provide specialist expertisethat can be depended on to derive the maximum out of your CSR strategy.
  • Ensure complete transparency by ways of methods adopted, processes executed and due diligence carried out by our team.

Recognition & Awards

Through the annual CSR Summit and Awards event, CSR Network Lesotho will take stock of all CSR projects/programs in the country in order to:

  • Give a higher visibility to CSR best practices in Lesotho.
  • Raise awareness
  • Showcase CSR as a tool of performance and competitiveness.
  • Encourage shared-value.

Each Network Member is offered the opportunity to present its own case study at workshops and seminars to share its experiences with delegates.