Office 101 Calton Centre
Kingsway Road,
Maseru, Lesotho

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Weekend: 9AM - 1PM


We are a professional multi-stakeholder organization in Lesotho with the aim to advance the principles and practices of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the private sector with the ultimate goal of supporting Sustainable businesses which will contribute to sustainable economic growth leading to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.


Businesses, government and citizens working for the common good of society to achieve shared value, social equity and environmental and climate justice.


“To promote a culture of responsible practices, foster strategic collaborations, recognise innovative best practices and strengthen understanding of CSR to achieve a balance between profitability and sustainable development in Lesotho.”

CSR Network Lesotho (CSRNL) is an independent, non-profit, support organisation founded in 2022 under the Societies Amendment Act of 2001. We leverage the experience and expertise of our team members and independent experts to provide innovative corporate social responsibility and sustainability strategies across different sectors.

We aim to promote, encourage and recognize responsible business practices through stakeholder engagement, training, research, advisory services, and celebrating successes through The CSR Network Lesotho Annual Gala Awards.

CSRNL’s ultimate goal is to be the organization in Lesotho where stakeholders can seek research services (Perception Surveys and Impact Studies), guidance, capacity building, training and information on corporate social responsibility, local resource mobilization and volunteering. We will also strive to engage small and large businesses to strengthen their commitment to sustainable development across the country so as to contribute to sustainable economic growth leading to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

With Corporate Social Responsibility, businesses can have a positive social, environmental and economic impact on society through their core business.

Our Values

Shared Value

We are committed to help companies to embrace policies and practicies that enhance their competitiveness while improving social and environmental conditions in the regions where they operate.


We strive to make our actions consistent with the highest ethical standards and adopt a zero-tolerance approach to unethical practices – especially corruption.


We believe that bringing a fresh perspective to problems that have prevailed for severals years often leads to more effective and efficient solutions. Innovation is at the heart of what we do.


Our efforts are aimed at positively impacting the lives of people most in need by being agents for long-term change. We inspire our customers and partners to make a genuine difference across their various stakeholder groups and geographic locations.

Our Beliefs

We believe that;

  • Responsible and ethical business is good for the community they operate in.
  • Responsible governments must be transparent and accountable to all stakeholders.
  • Responsible citizens must be active in society and hold each other accountable for their actions.
  • All stakeholders have an obligation to prioritise and work for the common good.

Advisory Board

A highly skilled team of experts from diverse backgrounds, representing various sectors intent at building a network of like-minded stakeholders that will take CSR in Lesotho to its next level. The Board consists of individuals (sector experts) and representatives from various member-based organisations.

The Board is still being put in place through various consultations with member-based organisations approached to take a seat on the board.

The complete Advisory Board will be announced soon.

Member 1

Position 1

Member 2

Position 2

Member 3

Position 3

Member 4

Position 4


The operational side of CSR Network Lesotho is run by the Secretariat as illustrated below:

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