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Kingsway Road,
Maseru, Lesotho

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4th CSR/ESG Autumn School set for May

ESG Network Zimbabwe is set to host the 4th CSR/ESG master class in May at the Tamarind Resort in Kariba.

This year’s master class will run under the – Theme: “Sustainability in Action: Nurturing Responsible Leaders for a Better Future”


The CSR and ESG Autumn School is a unique educational program designed to empower students, professionals, and community members with the knowledge and skills needed to drive positive change in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. Through a series of interactive workshops, lectures, and practical exercises, participants will explore key concepts, best practices, and real-world case studies in sustainability, ethics, and stakeholder engagement.

By exploring this year’s master class themes and topics, participants in the Autumn school program can gain a comprehensive understanding of CSR and ESG principles, practices, and strategies for creating sustainable and resilient communities.

  • The objective of this school is to strengthen the understanding and application of sustainability and CSR, allowing participants to better integrate it in their work.
  • The workshop aims to address the needs of professionals in private companies, NGOs, organisations and governmental official who are currently involved in CSR and sustainability, or would like to be involved in, and wish to apply and embed the concepts of CSR and inclusive business in their institution in an ethical manner.
  • During this school, you will learn from practical examples of companies and organizations that have successfully integrated sustainability innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in their work. You will put theory to action and work on a variety of topics and challenges that are relevant for you and turn this into your own action plan for positive impact.

Benefits of Attending!!

Overall, attending a CSR and ESG Winter school can be a rewarding and enriching experience that equips participants with the knowledge, skills, and connections needed to make a meaningful impact in the world of sustainable business practices.

  • Knowledge and Skill Development (At the end participants will acquire a solid grasp of sustainability trends & developments, a quick scan of the most important standards and inspiring case studies;
  • Understand what Inclusive Business means for your company or organization and have a clear idea on the relevant issues to work on and how to activate the right stakeholders and achieve the desired impact;
  • Ready to become an in-house sustainability and Inclusive Business champion and you have the tools to make positive change happen!
  • Certification and Credentials upon completion (ESGNZ will award participants with a Certificate of Competence)
  • Professional Growth:
  • Networking Opportunities (Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of our courses is learning and interaction with other busy executives. We encourage this both through our wide network, web/online platforms, our CSR Meetups and the CSR Hub Magazine.

Who can attend

CSR and ESG Winter School program is typically open to a diverse range of participants, including professionals, academics, policymakers among others, interested in learning about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

This school is recommended for individuals with or without ESG/CSR experience across different departments with ESG/CSR responsibilities or that may anticipate such responsibilities in the future.

  • ESG/CSR/Sustainability officers, Managers
  • Companies Board of Directors and top management
  • Compliance Departments
  • Procurement Department
  • Finance Department
  • Public Relations, Human Resources, Marketing, Communications Departments
  • Supply Chain/Logistics Departments
  • Governance and Risk Management
  • Policymakers: Government officials, and regulatory authorities
  • Health and Safety; Environment
  • Quality; Operations
  • Corporate Philanthropy/Foundations
  • NGOs

Source: ESG Network Zimbabwe

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