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Recap of CSR and Sustainability Conference 2024 and 5th CSR Awards

As we reflect on the immersive two-day CSR and Sustainability Conference hosted by CSR Network Zambia on 15th and 16th February 2024 at Radisson Blu Hotel in Livingstone, the echoes of collaboration, innovation and inspiration still reverberate through. It was far from just an academic exchange; it was a dynamic platform where diverse experiences converged to create a genuine learning point for all involved.

Diverse Engagements, Tangible Insights
The heart of this conference beat with the energy of practical insights, real-world challenges and success stories. Delegates from various sectors brought forth their experiences, shaping discussions that went beyond theory to focus on actionable strategies. The engagement was not merely intellectual; it was an exchange of knowledge, a sharing of triumphs and tribulations, and a commitment to drive change in our respective organizations and communities we serve.

An Eye-Opening Site Visit to Okodwela’s Project
The morning of the third day, on 17th February 2024, brought an eye-opening site visit to one of Okodwela’s projects – a transformative initiative to build low-cost housing for vulnerable families. Witnessing the culmination of their efforts with the handover of the 20th house was a poignant reminder of the tangible impact sustainability initiatives can have on communities. Okodwela’s commitment to social responsibility was a living testament to the transformative power of collaborative endeavors, empowering vulnerable families with a roof over their heads.

Evening Celebrations: CSR Awards Gala
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the conference reached its pinnacle with the CSR Awards Gala on the evening of 17th February 2024. This evening was a celebration of impactful activities, a recognition of organizations that have gone above and beyond in their commitment to CSR and sustainability. The atmosphere was electric with shared accomplishments, creating a sense of camaraderie among attendees.

Appreciation: A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Sponsors
This transformative journey would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our sponsors. Their commitment reflects a shared vision for a sustainable and responsible future. We extend our deepest gratitude to:

Platinum Sponsor: Ecobank
A beacon of support, Ecobank’s commitment to sustainability set the tone for the entire conference.

Gold Sponsors: ZANACO, Zambia Airports Corporation Limited, Barrick Lumwana
ZANACO, Zambia Airports Corporation Limited, and Barrick Lumwana, your dedication to fostering positive change was evident throughout the event.

Silver Sponsors: Lunsemfwa Hydro Power Company Ltd, Trident Foundation Limited, Atlas Mara Bank, JTI Leaf Zambia, Stanbic Bank Zambia, Prudential, Vision Spring, and Umoyo. A heartfelt thank you to our Silver Sponsors. Your support played a pivotal role in the success of the conference.

A Community of Impact: Moving Forward Together
As we wrap up this transformative experience, let us carry forward the insights gained, the connections made and the inspiration drawn from each other. This conference was not just an event; it was the forging of a community of impact. The journey continues as we implement the actionable takeaways in our respective organizations, collectively contributing to a more sustainable and responsible future.

To every delegate, sponsor, and partner involved – thank you for being an integral part of this journey. Here’s to the impact we have created and the transformations that lie ahead.

Source: CSR Network Zambia

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